I turned the big two three a couple of weeks back and thought I should probably do some kind of a reflection. Its been one heck of a ride so far, but I think the best is yet to come. I really do. For all my younger readers and those in their early twenty somethings, I hope this is something you could relate too.
If I could give my teen self some advice it would go something like this:
23 Things I'm grateful to know
- Take a moment to appreciate what you have and how far you are going to go.
- Make more time for your family, they really are your core.
- Dance like a mad chicken, who gives a crap?
- Join a class that you’ve always wanted to (language, film production, cooking etc.)
- Spend more time with your besties, there’s nothing like spending hours talking, laughing and eating with them.
- Try and make your mum or dad a meal, they really do appreciate it.
- You know those self image issues you have? fuck it or do something about it.
- Put your career and ambitions first, if he/she is of worthy love, they will find a way to complement you not tear you.
- Travel more, may that be domestic or international? There really is a whole new world out there waiting for you to explore.
- You know that dream or hobby you love? You should really go and pursue it.
- Get yourself an education, but don’t kill yourself if you don’t get the grades you’ve wanted.
- Learn to reverse and parallel park like a pro, trust me you will need it one day.
- If all else fails, watch cartoons. There is nothing a little Arthur or Sailor moon can’t fix.
- If you need to decide which path to take, flip a coin, the one you hope to come up is the answer.
- Its ok to cry, it really is, your not weak…your human.
- Talk to your siblings more, when your parents go they really will be the only part of them you have left.
- Never let anyone question your intelligence, their an asshole for thinking that your stupid in the first place.
- Set aside some me time, to do what you love? Who’s the one living your life? YOU
- Always tell and show how much you love someone, you really don’t know what tomorrow will be.
- If you really want that oreo mcflurry, go and freaking get it.
- Let music set you free, it can really bring you back memories with its melody or even get you through with its lyrics.
- Never, ever compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 10.
- Give your self some gratitude for how far you’ve come, your fucking awesome.
At 23, I am grateful for all of these blessings in my life:

And you thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings :) your contribution to my stats really does brighten up my day.
Please leave me a comment if you likey this post, share me some of your wisdom or even drop me an email at thesummerjade@gmail.com I would love to hear from you :)
Mi familia :)
These cute growly fluff balls
My gorgeous girls
And you thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings :) your contribution to my stats really does brighten up my day.
Please leave me a comment if you likey this post, share me some of your wisdom or even drop me an email at thesummerjade@gmail.com I would love to hear from you :)
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